As further proof, the experiment was repeated-only this time the same hive of bees had its alarm set in New York and was flown to Paris. There, too. 为了进一步证明,该实验被重复进行,这次,同一只蜂箱的蜜蜂,在纽约设定了进食时间,然后飞往巴黎。
To buy more bitcoin, a legitimate-seeming Hong Kong wallet company asked for his passport, proof of address& and more time. 要想购买更多比特币,一家看起来还算正规的香港比特币钱包公司要求他出示护照,并提供地址证明&还需要花更多时间。
You should be aware that most medical offices will ask for proof of insurance or payment at the time of visit, which is why insurance is so important to access medical care. 您应该了解的是:当您去看病的时候,大部分的医疗机构都会要求您提供您的保险证明或者支付证明,这就是为什么保险对于获得医疗保健服务如此重要的原因。
This in turn gives proof to the material resources and time of completion of the Book of Changes. 这可以从另一个角度证明《周易》一书的材料来源及成书时间。
The Proof of Delta Differentiation's Property on Time Scales 时标意义下delta微分性质的证明
If I get a good score, I can use it as proof of my ability at any time in the future. 如果我取得不错的雅思成绩,将来我能在任何时候用它来证明我的英语能力。
One proof is that the Arabian translators of the time showed more interest at Greek science than at Greek literature. 其证据之一是当时的阿拉伯翻译家对希腊科学的兴趣要远大于对希腊文学的兴趣;
On the other hand, if the houses are to be earthquake proof, it will require supervision, some extra time, and a little more money. 另一方面,如果住房要达到抗震的要求,就需要有监督、更多的时间和稍微更多的资金。
The number of bleeding episodes and the degree of praevia are not associated with outcomes, so they can't be the proof to determine the treatment plan ahead of time. 其类型及产前出血状况不能预测其结局,也不能据此提前做出处理方案。
In case of failure to submit the said proof within the time limit or if the proof is void, the Trademark Office shall revoke the said registered trademark. 逾期不提供使用证明或者证明无效的,商标局撤销其注册商标。
Interference-proof measures of digital time relay are discussed in this paper by analyzing maloperation causes of digital time relay under the conditions of interference by EM. The purpose is to give a reference to improve interference proof performance and reliability of digital time relay. 通过对数字式时间继电器在电磁干扰情况下的误动原因的分析,初步论述了数字式时间继电器在这种干扰条件下的抗干扰措施,为进一步提高数字式时间继电器抗干扰性能和可靠性提出参考依据。
The present Chinese textbooks for cuisine speciality cannot suit the need of the development of cuisine speciality. It has been of great urgency to compile Chinese proof textbooks for cuisine speciality with the time passing. 现行的烹饪专业语文教材已经不能适应烹饪专业发展的需求,与时俱进编写烹饪专业语文校本教材已刻不容缓。
Agricultural chemicals proof and quota basis retention time and corresponding quota ion, qualitative ion and its ion ratio has carried on the increase returns-ratio experiment to this method, average returns-ratio between 70% and 120%. 农药的确证和定量依据保留时间和相应定量离子、定性离子及其离子比。对该方法进行了添加回收率实验,平均回收率在70%和120%之间。
Whence, the homomorphism proof system from formulas in MU ( 1) is complete, and this proof system and the tree resolution proof system can be transformed mutually in polynomial time on the size of proof. 从而,由MU(1)中的公式构成的同态证明系统是完备的,并且由MU(1)中的公式构成的同态证明系统与树消解证明系统之间是多项式等价的。
The Proof for Probable Models with Renewable Time and the Calculating Theorems of Without Deviation 更新时间概率模型及其无偏估计定理的论证
A proof for the time dependent form of Div-Curl lemma 含时div-curl引理的一个证明
The Supreme People Court ′ s "Some Provision Concerning Civil Evidence" definitely stipulated the standard of proof& "law fact", the first time, carried out the evolution thus from" objective fact "to" fact in law ". 最高人民法院颁布的《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第一次明确规定了我国民事诉讼证明要求为法律真实,从而实现了从客观真实到法律真实的演进。
The simple procedures of administration litigation should include series of systems about the procedure option of the plaintiff, and simplification of the judgment organization, proof reviewing and shortening of the litigation time. 行政诉讼简易程序应包含原告的程序选择权、简化审判组织和证据审查、缩短诉讼时限等一系列制度。
Nowadays for printing& packaging people, packaging design software and proof press are the focus in digital time. 数字时代对于印刷包装从业者来说,包装设计软件与打样机是其关注的焦点。
Initial Thoughts on Founding Civil Proof Time Limit Institution 设立民事举证时限制度的初步思考
"Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" of 1982 ( tried) makes stipulations about the distribution of burden of proof for the first time. 1982年《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》(试行)首次对证明责任的分配作出规定。
The Proof on Time& independent Superposition Coefficient of Superposition Principle of States in Quantum Mechanics 关于量子力学中状态迭加原理的迭加系数与时间无关的论证
On Proof during WTO "Reasonable Period of Time" Arbitration WT0合理期限仲裁举证问题探析
Because the lawful stipulation is not complete, it is necessary to make proof time system, proof exchange system, evidence apply and approval procedure, parties 'proof system in order to adjust and balance the rights and procedural capacity of both parties. 由于法律规定的不完善,有必要构建举证时限制度、证据交换制度、证据申请和审查程序,并完善当事人取证制度,以调适、平衡诉讼双方当事人的诉讼能力和利益。
We know an existence the important proof in different time each characteristic pictorial representation existence in drawing development change. It is relating the human art idea change course silently to people. 我们知道绘画发展变化的一个重要证明在于不同时期面貌各异绘画作品的存在,这些作品默默地向人们诉说着人类艺术观念变化的历程。
First of all, considering the expertise, this paper presents an anti-swing control method based on optimal control. This method realizes the synchronization control of accurate parking of crane and swing proof of load by controlling the moving time or distance. 其一是根据专家经验,借助最优控制理论,提出一种防摆控制方法,该方法通过控制行车各阶段运行的时间或距离即可实现行车准确定位停车与负载消摆的同步控制。
Such suggestions mainly talk about the general rules, the contra positive rules, the specific rules, the proof time limit institutions which hold a close relationship with the proof burden distribution, the proof losing right system and the pretrial procedures. 主要论述了完善我国民事诉讼举证责任的一般规则、倒置规则、特殊规则,及与举证责任分配有密切关系的举证时限制度、证据失权制度及审前准备程序方面的建议。
Specific attention should be paid to the balance between the interests of the parties when sharing the burden of proof and litigation costs. At the same time, professional assessment should be used more actively in judicial activities. 法定赔偿在具体适用上还应注意举证责任、诉讼费用分担的利益平衡,同时注重专业评估手段的运用。
In this paper, a combination of company law theory, law and judicial practice from the main proceedings, the application front, the allocation of the burden of proof, evidence preservation, the time to demonstrate five aspects. 本文第三部分结合了法律规定以及司法实践从诉讼主体、申请前置、举证责任分配、证据保全、诉讼时效等五个方面进行论证。
Third is a burden of problems, namely proof time and action stages problem. 第三是举证期限问题,即举证的时间和诉讼阶段问题。